Thursday, September 30, 2010


I haven't auditioned for a musical in about a year.
Tonight I did.
Tonight I kicked ass.
I feel so good.

The callback list is going to be posted by noon tomorrow then callbacks are tomorrow night.

I missed musical theatre so much.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen...

I can finally say that I am -


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Two Hours...

...until my 21st birthday!!
Tomorrow is also the understudy room and the next day is an audition..
and I'm so JAZZED!!


Monday, September 27, 2010


It's so fun!
I love Bug so much. I love it. I love it. I can not EVEN say how much I love it because I love it so much.
Oh, and the Triumph of Love audition? It is so on. I am going to rock this thing. Even if I don't get in, I am just so jazzed about auditioning. SO JAZZED.

Oh, and, we got...a company car. A COMPANY CAR!!
It's a 2010 Toyota Corola.



Sunday, September 26, 2010

Work Calls

Today we had a work call for Lend Me A Tenor where we hung lights and stood on ladders and the like.
Speaking of that...
And what else is in three days?

I'm so excited I can't stand it.
I. Can't. Stand it!!


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Birthday Week!

I have four days, count 'em, FOUR days until I'm 21.

I can't wait!
Dinners and pub crawls and presents and fun!
This week is going to be amazing!
Now I'm off to study my lines for Lend Me A Tenor.



My Niece's Birthday

...was yesterday. I had such an insane day that I got home and passed out without a second thought. So a quick shout out and a Happy Birthday to Sarah who is no 18!
Goodness I feel old...
Also I got to run Act I of Bug yesterday. It. Went. Swimmingly.
I love this play.
I love it.
I love it.
I love it.

Anyway, I'll post later today to make up for my flub.

Stay sweet, kids.


Thursday, September 23, 2010


So I didn't get into Harvey, but I'm ok with that. I'm excited about auditions for Triumph of Love also. I'm trying very hard to come up with the perfect pair of songs to sing, so I have a lot to do this weekend. I also have the Understudy run for Lend Me A Tenor on my birthday (6 days) so I have to buckle down and be ready by Monday to do a run with my fellow understudies.
To reiterate: my weekend shall be INSANE!!

Other than that...well...there you go.

Stay sane, kids.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I got a lovely haircut today from one of my best friends, Abbey Worthing.
I had to look nice for my callback, after all.
Speaking of the callback it went nicely! I'm confident that I did all right and I hope I get cast.
If I don't I'll be ok. I'll just audition somewhere else!

Anyway it's dinner time.
Have a lovely evening, all!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I have to keep this short for homework sake, but yay I got a callback!
Not for Airswimming, but for Harvey instead. After reading the play I absolutely love it!
I'm excited and I'm starving and I need to do homework and I'm excited that my plays are coming in the mail!
Yay and all that!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Cattle Calls

So today were the cattle call auditions for the spring shows, Airswimming and Harvey.
My monologue went very successfully and I got good feedback from both directors. The callback lists go up tomorrow so I'm excited about that.
As for other shows I'll be busy as a bee for the next two weeks. Lend Me A Tenor goes into tech in a couple of weeks and Bug is in it's blocking stages this week. Not only do I have to juggle two understudy roles, but I have to make sure all my assignments are done on time. Either way, I'll probably go crazy to the max by the end of the week.
Oh, and Lady GaGa came to Portland today to speak on the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" debate. They're threatening to disallow homosexual men and women in the military. Obviously this is ridiculously discriminatory, so GaGa, herself came to give a speech. Unfortunately I was otherwise occupied and couldn't see her give her speech, but I'm glad she stands for such great things.

Oh, and P.S.
Birthday count: 9 days!!


Sunday, September 19, 2010


Well, I didn't get into Steel Magnolias, but I'm not the least bit bitter. I feel so good to not be bitter. Sure I would have preferred to get in, but about 46 people auditioned for 6 roles. As I said, it was a long shot, but I'm still glad I did it.

Tomorrow, however, are the auditions for Harvey and Airswimming. My monologue is memorized and timed and I'm ready to go. I'm nervous, but I'll be ok. I'll be able to breathe I swear. Plus, if all else fails I can just audition for Triumph of Love so I'm not worried.

Anyway, that's all for now.
I feel good.



Saturday, September 18, 2010


It felt so good to audition for Steel Magnolias at Portland Players this afternoon. Even if I don't get a part (It's a long shot anyway since a TON of people auditioned) it felt so good to get out there and audition for something outside of USM or New Edge Entertainment.
I feel really good and I'm not going to worry about whether I got in or not, (though it would be nice) because it felt great just to put myself out there.

Plus my dress looked awesome.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Coffee Badness

Coffee and I aren't friends anymore. It's mean to me. I dun like it no mo.
Tea, however, yes, tea is very nice to me and my head.
Me like-a the tea.

Wow, see? Coffee-addled brains at work.
I have two samples of hats done at least and I'm starting on the beer coozies for the Phish show.
I'm excited. Good things are happening.


Thursday, September 16, 2010


I've been looking up a ton of patterns today just for hats. I'm jealous of those who know how to pearl in knitting so I've decided to learn more complicated stitches to show them what's what.
I'm currently finishing one hat then starting on the three samples I'm making for the Costume Shop at school. I'm SO excited.
I know I'm repeating myself here, but it's so nice when people actually recognize your talent.
It is.

Well that's all for now, tomorrow is my FREE day!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Friendly Hats

I love making them, especially when people in high places ask me to.
I already mentioned that I get to crochet hats for Lend Me a Tenor, but I also get to supply a few stock hats for the costume shop!

Also, I just want to mention how awesome it is to have friends to confide in. It makes the hardest days seem easier and more managable.

Also: Steel Magnolias auditions are on Saturday and Cattle calls are on Monday. EEP!!

Stay slick, kids.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Tonight we had the understudy read-through for Bug. Let me tell you: Amazing!
I love Agnes more and more every time I read for her. It feels amazing to know that I get to be someone with so much emotional depth. She may seem simple, but she's far from it; complexity rules her life, especially when Peter is introduced.
Good lord.

Anyway, another good note is that I'm crocheting for school again! I'm making neat lace hats for Lend Me A Tenor and I'm so excited. I was asked specially by the head costume designer, Renee. She heard good things about my work. I promised her three drafts of patterns a week from today. I'm so excited. I knew this was going to be a good week!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Crochet Crazies!

I love crocheting. You have no idea.
If you're feeling stressed and reading just doesn't cut it, well, crochet!!
I love the feeling of accomplishment it gives me when I can carry on a conversation and make a hat. It's wonderful!
Aside from that life is going well for once. Today was very nice, especially since now I have a little extra time on my hands because I am no longer the Dramaturg for Airswimming and I get to actually audition for it!
I'm excited.
I'm ready.
I'm rearing to go!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dirty Laundry

Yes. That is my idea for a Halloween costume this year. I've wondered and thought and brainstormed and I think that I have come up with the perfect idea. All this costume involves is layers upon layers of clothes.
Random, yes, but I may get to wear some crotched items that I, myself, have made.
I love crocheting.
I can't stress that enough.
Speaking of which, I'm crocheting like mad once again. If anyone wants anything let me know!
If you're a friend you get a substantial discount.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Moving Forward

Today I decided to get back on the acting horse. I can't let on defeat stop me from doing what I love.
Next week there are auditions for "Steel Magnolias" at Portland Players. Even if I don't get in I'm going to take the chance.
This won't be another "this is my big break" thing, but it's proof that I belong in his profession.
I am an actress and this is what I do.
This is my life.
This is what I love.
So there.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, September 10, 2010


This is the most depressing word in the history of theatre.
Yes, I am Agnes' understudy. Still Agnes, just not for real real.
I've had my vents and I've cried my tears and I had a marvelous epiphany from the situation.
I'm not going to grad school for Playwriting anymore.
Oh, no.
I'm going for acting.
After last night I realized that this is my true calling. I'd forgotten how much I love being on stage and playing someone real since I've been doing fluff for the past two and a half years.
So I didn't get the lead this time. I'm understudying the lead, though and that means that I was so close to getting it. That in and of itself is enough for me.
I also realized that supporting a friend in the arts is a wonderful cure for a broken spirit.
Shout outs to Abbey Worthing for her wonderful performance as Mayzie La Bird in Seussical the Musical this evening. You were fabulous!

Keep on going, kids, no matter how many times they push you down.


Thursday, September 9, 2010


I can't really say much, because I have to catch a bus, but holy cannoli, I felt amazing after the callbacks tonight. I got so into the character that after a scene I had to take a minute to meditate afterwards because the scene was so heavy.
The cast list goes up tomorrow.
I can't wait.
I love theatre.
End of story.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Acting with a Caffeine Headache

I'm going to attempt to survive until dinner because I swear I have had a caffeine headache all day. It's gross.
Ever try doing a full work out (yoga included) with a caffeine headache? I did. It sucked.
Sorry, I'm trying not to be so cranky, but my head hurts.
Either way, I'm looking over my monologue for my callback tomorrow and I'm wicked excited. I swear to Bob I'll pee myself if I get cast. I will. I'll be embarrassed. People will stare. It'll be a hot mess, but it will be WORTH IT!!

That's all for now. I'm going to take an IB Profen to stay sane.


Oh, No!

I skipped yesterday!
I'm so sorry I didn't get a free moment, but to make up for it I'll do an extra post today.
Either way, here's a quick, ultra speedy update:
I may get to teach a master crocheting class for my Costume Practicum class
I got a callback for Bug
I am going to the Phish concert on October 19th (we got the tickets!!)
Fun times, but I have to fly.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Zig Zag Bag

I learned a new technique in crocheting today: The ziz zag or chevron pattern. It's fairly simple, but makes for very intriguing patterns when crocheting items of interest such as bags, scarves, sweaters, hand warmers, etc. The zig zag has reinforced my hard core crocheting attitude that helps me to crank out dozens of products a season for friends, acquaintances, and loved ones. I just wanted to say that I'm very excited that I'm learning new things and actually following patterns.
Yay for cool stitches!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cool Days

Guess what? Sweater season is upon us! Yay!
I have finally gotten back into the crocheting spirit and I've been cranking away on new projects. I've made a blanket, several hats, cup/can cozies, and a top for myself. It hasn't taken me long at all to make all of these things; it seems that the more I crochet the faster I get. It's funny how things like that work out, isn't it? I've also tried to tell my dad that I want yarn for my birthday, but I think that he thinks that I'm kidding. I'm totally not. I'd LOVE yarn for my birthday. Seriously.
As for theatre, I'm still building up excitement for the auditions on Tuesday for Bug. I already have an outfit planned and everything! Tomorrow I'm going to try it on to make sure that it looks as good as it did in my head.
Well, that's all for now. Keep cozy!


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kitty Cat Car Crashes

So, Jasmine got hit by a car today... Someone in a white car hit her and drove off. Luckily she's totally fine, but she's being anti-social now. I guess cats just have to be on their own when dealing with a crisis. At least she's not hurt.
For this post I just want to take a moment to say that I think it's horrible that someone would hit a cat and then just drive away. If you hit an animal stop, check if it's ok, and leave your phone number with someone in the area. At least take responsibility for what you did. Because a hit and run is still illegal when you hit somebody's pet.
Just please stop for animals, guys. They deserve respect and the right to life, too.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Hurricane Earl

Apparently we're supposed to get a hurricane. His name is Earl and he's nice enough to make the heat go away. Thanks, Earl! You're the best!
Either way I'm happy to report that Act I of "Haunted" is finished! Unfortunately it is no longer a one-woman show. That's ok, though, because I figure that it would be stronger with more than one person.
I don't have much time to blog today so I'll leave it at this: I think the plant is going to talk. Oh yes. I'm going there.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hades ain't got Nothing on Maine...

...because it's hotter than Hades up in here!
For this whole week it's been in the 90s which is something that us up in this area aren't used to. It's been making everyone cranky, especially myself, and not to mention ridiculously uncomfortable.
Aside from the stupid heat I've been thinking about auditions all week. Bug is coming up on Tuesday (since we have Labor Day off) so I'm going crazy thinking about that. Also I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to audition for the extra role in Betrayal. The waiter was cast, but had to drop out because he was in the musical Wild Party across the street in Corthell Hall so the role is open. The auditions are the same day as the ones for Bug so I'm debating on whether I should go to them or not. If I get into Betrayal then I can't be in Bug and I really REALLY want to be in it. Badly. You have no idea. I know working in Betrayal means I can be on the Main Stage and work with Tom Power and a small cast, but I've wanted to work on Bug since I heard it was even being proposed. I still can't decide... I suppose I can just audition for both and see what happens. Who knows, it may all work out!

That's all for now. Stay cool, campers. This heat'll all be gone tomorrow.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Welcome, friends to the first day of the best month ever: September!
I'm quite excited because this September is especially special because it's my birthday month! Not only that, but I'll be turning 21! It's quite an age to be, especially if you live in Portland, so I'm very very excited!
I plan on trying to stick better to my daily updates and give more creative input on things that are going on. There are a TON of auditions within the next two weeks so I'll be busy as a bee trying to get ready for all of them.
Here are some of the shows I plan on auditioning for; note, not ALL of them happen this semester: Bug, Harvey, Triumph of Love, Annie, Get Your Gun, and a series of LBGTq plays written by students directed by the fabulous, Meghan Brodie. One of the featured plays is mine so if you are reading this (and in the area) go to the auditions! They are September 8th and 9th at 4P.M. in the Black Box in Russell Hall on the USM Gorham campus. It should be fun!
Anyway, I'll update again tomorrow. Yay for school and theatre and life!


Birthday countdown: 29 days